With the beginning of June came the beginning of the school term again. Term 2 was a bit on the bumpy side with kids having to relearn our classroom rules after being away for a month. I had IST (In-Service Training) at the beginning of the month with all my Oland group mates. It was nice getting to see those I don't run into on a regular basis.

Garden club finally started getting digging done. We cleared our plot, pounded charcoal and manure to add to the soil (read: sand) and got to play some fun games. We also painted our faces with our dirty charcoal hands, which the learners thoroughly enjoyed.
I was able to visit my foster family. I was re-re-taught how to pound mahangu and sorghum (and still completely fail at it). They definitely believe me when I say that I did not grow up pounding in America (I cannot lie about this).
My physical science classes were able to have their very first lab. I brought in "substances," like lemon juice, vinegar, detergent, baking soda, and water from home for them to test to find the pH. They loved it!! I'm excited that I am able to sometimes use hands-on learning for the kids. I know that it was the best way I learned and they do not get the chance often.
Favorite Day: June 16th
This was the day of the African Child. Instead of classes, all the learners gathered for an assembly with cultural group performing, a quiz about the history of the day (with sweets as prizes), a few speeches by teachers, and my personal favorite... dancing done by the learners at the school. Secilia, a grade 9 in my class, stole the show with her huge beaming smile and great dance moves. It was a good day of having fun. I also got to wear my Wambo dress (not that I don't wear it on regular days as well).
Three things I learned this month:
1. Pringles tortilla-style chips work pretty well for nachos.
2. Fortune can only walk a short time because he has such small legs, but he also only weighs a little bit so it's not too much of hassle to carry him.
3. How to roast pumpkin!!
Something new:
My neighbor/colleague brought me a plastic bag one night. Inside I found a piece of pumpkin. I'm not a big pumpkin fan personally, but I've gotten to like it more since moving here. Instead of boiling it like most Namibians though I impressed my colleagues by roasting it and turning it into pumpkin spice muffins (even though it was technically winter here in Namibia). I brought them to my colleagues to try and now I will be teaching them to make muffins during our next cooking lesson.
Enjoy life and live in wander,